Abstract | The
article deals with an important term „energy“, that is known as a physical quantity but
it is also used in a conceptual meaning in physics when it cannot be understood as a
measurable physical quantity (e.g. „energy transmission“, „energy transformation“,
energy source“, ”degradation /devaluation of energy”). Outside the physics we can
usually meet inappropriate and misleading phrases such as „energy production“, „energy
consumption“ etc.. This problem is discussed in the article and instead of the
stated conceptual meaning of the word „energy“ (a noun in the grammar) it suggests
to use the word „energetic“ (an adjective) or replace the inappropriate phrase with a
correct, brief indirect expression. For an expressing of energy as a physical quantity,
an expression “energetic state” of body (state kinetic, potential and structural) is installed
and an appropriate energy as a quantity is expressed for it. A vocabulary of inappropriate
physical usage of the term „energy“ and appropriate correct expressions is
attached. |