title = {O rozložení prvočísel v okolí faktoriálů},
author = {Čejchan, Antonín and Křížek, Michal and Somer, Lawrence},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2022},
volume = {51},
number = {2},
pages = {14--22},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {The distribution of primes is quite irregular. We prove the following theorem which however allows some regularity: If a prime number p satisfies n! 1 < p < n! r^2 , where r is the smallest prime larger than a given natural number n, then p - n! is also a prime. We state a similar theorem for primes just below n! - 1. Further we prove similar statements also for the case when n! is replaced by q# which is the product of all primes not exceeding a prime q.},