title = {Vizualizácia pri riešení stochastických úloh},
author = {Gavala, Tadeáš and Krech, Ireneusz},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2018},
volume = {47},
number = {3},
pages = {1--13},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {According to many studies, visualization is helpfi{'u} in solving combinatorics and probability problems. In the paper we present selected combinatorial and probabilistic tasks to illustrate the use of various visualization types to solve problems from this field of mathematics. In the introduction we deal with the basics of the paper topic. In the main part we present the assignments, comments and solutions of the twelve tasks, in which we used the fofiowing models: table, table of random munbeis, schema, tree diagram, tangram, stochastic polygon, stochastic graph as the process of the game, stochastic time graph, numeric axis, coordinate system, and picture. It turns out that introducing visualization during the task solving process is more effectively and it can help students to tuiderstand the task solution and eliminate their misconceptions and thus be a tool that can be used also in the formative assessment.},