
Type of publication:Article
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TitleRozvoj fyzikálneho myslenia žiakov pomocou zaujímavých a poučných experimentálnych úloh
English TitleDevelopment of the Physical Thoughts via Interesting and Edifying Experimental Problems
Bibtex cite ID
Journal Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky
Year published 2002
Volume 31
Number 3
Pages 37-43
ISSN 1335-4981
The Physical Thinking Development by Means of Interesting and Edifying Experimental Tasks The progress of the mankind was directly determined by discoveries of the physics and by those implementation into production, and into our daily life. The school physics have here inevitable great role by education. Physics is important, but we are witnesses, that it is not very favourable subject nowadays. It requires seemingly a special way of thinking or any inborn aptitude. We have here many reasons for a making the way of learning more accessible and attractive. One nice way is here to use more physical experiments, to make their analysis, to promote motivational tasks and to enhance discussions in groups. This paper intents to show nearer look into the possibility to involve posters and Power-Points as main bearer of instruction, how to perform large number of incentive experiments. Many times (in the emergency cases) can be concerning posters and power-points useful utilised also without real experimentations. To this aim serve dynamical pictorial delineatinos with adequate eloquent labelling with connected short textual description, instructions, explanations and mention of possible practical using. This contribution intents to show some examples of experiments with incentive odour. Many impressive arranged and sophisticated posters and Power-Points can run, be displayed in school vestibuls and effects there for a longer time, and change the minds of learners just in wished direction.
Baník, Rastislav
Baník, Ivan
Total mark: 5
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