
Type of publication:Article
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TitleŽiacky experiment: voda vytekajúca z nádoby
English TitleThe Schoolchild Experiment: Water Flowing out of Container
MESCG33, M53
Bibtex cite ID
Journal Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky
Year published 2011
Volume 40
Number 3
Pages 21-30
ISSN 1335-4981
In this article we introduce an individual pupil’s experiment. Theme of this experiment is the flow of water through a hole in the bottom of the container. The aim of the activity is to develop pupil’s competence of scientific work – to state the hypotheses, planning of experiments, select tools... We introduce results of our measurements, which may be useful for teachers. First, we solve the problem, how the volume of water in the tank depends on the time, which is needed for outflow of water from the tank through the hole at the bottom. Problem is solved theoretically first and then it is verified by the measurement. We describe then the measurement of time needed to empty the tank as a function of straw length. We suggest possible variation of the problem, which can be considered as a simple experiment realizable in a few minutes.
Velmovská, Klára
Šedivý, Miroslav
Total mark: 5
Cited by:
Cite: Velmovská, Klára, Primárne energetické zdroje a efektívnosť varenia, in: Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, volume 38, number 2, pages 47-59, ISSN 1335-4981, 2009.