title = {Vyučovanie astronómie na 2. stupni základných škôl v Slovenskej republike},
author = {Hanisko, Peter},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2013},
volume = {42},
number = {2},
pages = {51--58},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {Astronomy does not belong among subjects that are taught at schools in Slovak republic. Astronomical curriculum is scattered in the individual, mainly natural science subjects. Astronomy is generally rated as very suitable subject for the teaching of the natural sciences. For young people it is one of the most accessible and permanently fascinating science. Beauty of space objects and the size of the universe are so inspirational and therefore astronomy stimulates a large number of young people to choose careers in science and technology. The paper deals with the possibility of integration of astronomy curriculum into education at secondary schools in the Slovak republic.},