title = {1st Slovak Natural Sciences e-Laboratory},
author = {Ožvoldová, Miroslava and Schauer, František and Čerňanský, Peter and Gerhátová, Žaneta and Tkáč, Lukáš and Beňo, Miroslav and Žovínová, Michaela},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2011},
volume = {40},
number = {2},
pages = {31--37},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {The paper presents the 1st Slovak e-laboratory of nature sciences with real remote experiments and the data transfer. The laboratory uses a unified approach, as the hardware used is the ISES (Internet School Experimental System) and its modules, while the software for the server-client connection is based on internet pages and Java applets. E-laboratory is free available on the page http://kf.truni.sk/remotelab and in the present time it consists of five experiments from physics: Environmental monitoring, Simple pendulum, Free fall, Faraday’s law, Energy transfer in oscillators, and the first e-experiment from chemistry, Electrochemical cell. },