title = {Project-based Ideas in Optics for Experimental Activities Using Smartphones},
author = {Finta, Zsanett},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2017},
volume = {46},
number = {4},
pages = {39--48},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {Experiments, which are carried out by the students themselves, play a crucial
role in the process of teaching physics. It is an empirical fact, what the students
see with their own eyes is likely to be better retained in mind and thus they could be
more easily recalled later and associated with other phenomena. The independent student
experimentation ensures that students are active, therefore they are not only observing
the experimentation process but they are also participating in it making it possible
for the students to follow the path of researchers. This project illustrates the most
important features of project-based learning inasmuch as the students were expected
to organize the process on their own, meanwhile the teacher acted as a „coach”, merely
supervising the students’ work.},