title = {Porozumenie pravidla súčinu: Je lepší stromový diagram alebo tangram?},
author = {Gavala, Tadeáš},
journal = {Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky},
year = {2016},
volume = {45},
number = {3},
pages = {1--14},
issn = {1335-4981},
abstract = {In teaching mathematics, we encounter visual models in taking new
curriculum frequently. In our paper, we focus on Multiplication rule in probability
using two visual models: tree diagram and tangram. First, we introduce
the topic and we analyze occurrence of visual models in selected textbooks
of mathematics for high schools. The main part of the paper is devoted to the
analysis of the percentage of correct solutions of probability problems using
visual model. According to the visual model, we analyze two worksheet tasks.
Regarding to the Multiplication rule in probability, we discuss pupil’s solutions
of „tree diagram“ worksheet firstly and „tangram“ worksheet secondly. Our
analysis has shown that pupils achieved better learning outcomes when they
worked with the visual model „tree diagram“.},